Monday, November 10, 2008

Baby #2

Introducing Lamb Baby #2. Today was our first doctor's visit. Everything is going very well. The doctor couldn't hear the heartbeat with the regular doppler but it seems to be the case with both of our kids. So, here is our ultrasound picture. The heartbeat was 176 and she/he even has arms, legs and ears. She gave me some new medicine for the "morning sickness" but today I feel pretty good. We will see Dr. Davis on Dec 8th again. 

Halloween Pics-Better late than never

Here are Drew's Halloween pictures. Justin and my parents took him trick or treating because we both had ball games on that night. He really enjoyed giving out candy with pa and granny. 
Drew cleaning out the pumpkins and Murphy watching..

Drew with the finished products..
Drew and Granny

Drew and Pa Pa

Scooby Doo

Drew had a great halloween and lots of candy....

Monday, November 3, 2008

Zoo Trip and Tractor riding

Drew painting a pumpkin at the Franklin Festival 
Drew's new tractor at Granny's house
What a good buy at a garage sale, Granny...

Granny found a tractor at a garage sale and he loves it. We also went with the Anton's to the Franklin Festival and painted pumpkins.

ZOO Trip
Daddy and Drew trying to climb the jungle jim at the zoo.

Drew feeding the goats
Drew brushing the goats, we couldn't get him away from the goats
Checking out some reptiles

Diego reading the map...

We took Drew to the zoo over fall break. He loved it and we did too. I think it is a place we will visit again, the jungle jim was a huge hit. I thought we were going to loose him in there, Daddy had to go in several times to find him. 

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Big News!!

We are having another baby! The due date for this little lamb is June 9th. We are almost 9 weeks. This pregnancy has already been different than the last one. I have been very sick. I see the nurse tomorrow for the first time and I hope she can give me something. I have spent most weekends in bed feeling so bad. Our families are very excited and Drew says he wants a little sister. If I don't post for awhile this is why, when Drew goes to bed I do to.