Monday, July 20, 2009

Zach is 2 months old

Trying to sleep if mom wasn't snapping pictures
yes, sleeping again. Isn't he an angel.

Zach is 2 months old today. He is doing very well, he eats and sleeps a lot. Currently he is sleeping 6 or 7 hours a night. I can handle that! He is very similar to Drew when he was a baby, very sweet and loves to sleep. We go to the doc next week, I am anxious to see how much he weighs, look at those cheeks.

Mini Vacation

Since Zach was born in May we didn't feel like a beach trip would be good for any of us, so we went North. Our first stop was Nana and Pops house. We visited a major horse farm where they house Stallions who have won many races. After Nana and Pops we went to Ohio to visit all the great grandparents. The boy's did great in both places and below is a few pics from along the way.

Horse Barn-nicer than my house

I was just waiting for him to open the door and go right in to greet the horse

Drew and pops in front of Curlin's stall

Dad standing with A.P. Indy-his stud fee is 250,000. Wow..

Pops and Drew driving a golf cart

Driving the gator...

Great-Grandma Doris holding Zach.

Drew and the "Other guy". Drew has grasped the concept of great grandparents, so he calls my grandpa the "other guy". It's very comical.

Great-Grandma Shirley and Zach

Our boy's are very lucky in the fact they have lots of grandparents and several great-grandparents. We really wanted all of them to be involved in their life and so far it's working out great. Drew loves them all and I am sure Zach will too.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tractors and Uncle Pat

Today Drew rode tractors with Uncle Pat and loved it.Drew driving tractors, scary...

1 month old

Zachary is one month old. He weighs 10lbs and is 21 inches long. Zach is doing well, sleeping and eating all the time. He is such a good baby.

Zachary Alan Lamb-1 month

Summer 2009-Swimming and playing with friends..

Below are pictures from the summer. Drew is loving swimming again and this year is taking lessons. He has spent alot of time with his Aunts and Uncles lately and lvoes it. Enjoy..
Drew's swim lessons-"Mr. Britt" is his teacher
Zach at 1 month old
So serious
Drwe simming with Uncle Cameron

Zach in the pool for the first time-Not a fan yet

Swimming with Uncle Nick

Always under the water..

Avoiding me taking his picture

Zach chilling out by the pool

Zach and Drew watching Scooby Doo

Sleeping and Smiling
Drew and Pa fishing in the pool
Drew and Jaxson swimming
Drew loves the pool

T-Ball 2009

Drew has been playing T-Ball this summer. Justin is the coach of the team and has 12 eager 3 and 4 year olds. It's really cute and commical at the same time. Here are few pics of the games we have had so far.

Coach JustinWater break

Swing Batter

Resting on 3rd base

Drew and Justin have had a great time with T-ball. They play once a week and each child bats twice and plays the field. I think we have a future superstar :)