Sunday, April 19, 2009

Baby Update and Drew school update

On Monday we had to make a trip to the hospital. I had been having contractions on Sunday night and all day Monday. I called the doc on Monday night and she suggested I come in and be monitored. The baby was fine and I was having contractions just not huge ones. They kept us for about two hours and sent us home. On Tuesday at my regular appointment she said I am just starting the process but not diliated yet. She suggested an ultrasound on Friday, April 24th to make sure Zach is fine. I also see her on April 28th and she will starting checking me very two weeks. She wants me to stay off my feet as much as possible. This week my mom and Justin have helped out a lot a ton. After work mom has helped with dinner and Drew. Justin is helping me with house stuff. I have felt better as the week went on, so hopefully he will stay in there for a little while longer. Thanks to everyone who has helped and called to check on us. We are now trying to finish the babies room.

Drew has been attending Pleasant Heights Baptist church pre-school for the last three years. He has loved it but we wanted to get him into the Early Childhood at the elementary school he will attend. He got in this year. He starts August 13th 4 days a week. He will be a "peer model" for other students who have disabilities and learn lots of academic material. We are real excited and he is too.

We will keep you updated...

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