Thursday, July 10, 2008

Murphy-Good Dog

As most of you know we have had a lot of trouble with our dog Murphy. Ever since we rescued him he has tried to escape either out of crates, fences, etc. Murphy has been on medication twice and trained by some "dog whisper" for two weeks solid. The last move we made was the expensive training and one more crate. He has done ok since last August but things went down hill lately.

We left Murphy with my brother and sister-in-law while we were on vacation. You would think he would love it there, since he gets lots of attention and has a running mate in Daffney. He tried to escape twice out of his cage and was successful once. My fear was that he would try and get out and get hung and I would find him dead one day. The last escape was on the fourth of July. We put him in his cage and left for our friends house. Justin came back a few hours later to let him out for a few minutes and found a pool of blood in front of the cage with a beat up Murphy.
We didn't know what to do, Justin suggested we leave him in the house. I of course thought he was crazy. I made him promise if Murphy ate anything (couches, clothes, comforters, shoes,etc) he would immediately go out and purchase a new one while I looked for a new home for Murphy. He agreed. Courtney (Justin's sister-who is a dog trainer) suggested starting slowly and build time. So far... He has done great. Today we are up to a little over 3 hours. He doesn't seem to even know we are gone.

Murphy is our first baby and he is so good with others, especially kids. Please pray this works and he can just stay inside while we are gone..


Amanda said...

I'm a friend of Stephanie's (Kari's cousin). I saw your post about scrapblog. I had a hard time figuring out how to get it to my blog too. Right after you publish and you are still in the builder window, click on file. Then click on export as jpeg. Save it to your harddrive. Then go to your blogger account and go to the edit layout page. Click on edit header. You have to put a title, but then upload your jpeg and click on "instead of title and description" and then click on "shrink to fit." That should do it!

Good luck! Don't you love scrapblog?

The Duff Family said...

Sounds like Murphy is doing better. Hopefully, he just needs a little bit of freedom to calm him down.